Bayesian Meta-Learning


\(\text{“I can’t believe it’s not Bayesian”}\) \(\tiny \text{- Chelsea Finn, ICML 2019 meta-learning workshop}\)


  • Meta-learning: why, what, how?
  • Bayesian meta-learning
  • A few examples: fast and furious
    • Bayesian model-agnostic meta-learning (MAML)
    • Neural Process (NP)
    • Deep meta-learning GPs

Why meta-learning?

  • It is more human/animal-like 👪🐕: humans can learn from a rich ensemble of partially related tasks, extracting shared information from them and applying that on new tasks with few samples lake16_build_machin_that_learn_think_like_peopl
  • It seeks to address data-hungry 💸 supervised deep learning.
    • Data efficiency using prior knowledge transferred from related tasks.
  • Successful applications in few-shot image recognition, data efficient reinforcement learning (RL), and neural architecture search (NAS).
    • EfficientNet’s, current SoTA beating ResNet, are found via NAS.

What is meta-learning?

  • Actually, you already know it—it’s a broad framework that encompasses a commonplace machine learning (ML) practice: hyperparameter search.


Figure 2: Hyperparameter searches (image source)

But really, what is it?

  • Difficult to define, as it has been used in different ways, but a good start is:

The salient characteristic of contemporary neural-network meta-learning is an explicitly defined meta-level objective, and end-to-end optimization of the inner algorithm with respect to this objective hospedales20_meta_learn_neural_networ

Conventional vs meta-learning


Figure 3: Conventional vs meta-learning for 1D function regression (image source)

  • a): Single dataset \(\mathcal{D} = (x, y)_{i=1}^n, y_i = f_{\theta, \color{blue}{ \omega}}(x_i )\)
    • Learn \(f_{\theta, \color{blue}{ \omega}}:\mathcal{X} \rightarrow \mathcal{Y}\) that is explicitly parameterized by \(\theta\) (e.g. neural network weights) and implicitly pre-specified by \(\color{blue}{\text{a fixed } \omega}\) (e.g. learning rate, optimizer).
    • Optimize for \(\theta^* = \arg \min_\theta \mathcal{L}_\theta(\mathcal{D}; \theta, \color{blue}{\omega})\).
  • b): Dataset of datasets \(\{\mathcal{D}_t \}_{t=1}^{3}\) from task distribution \(p(\mathcal{T}), \mathcal{T} = \{\mathcal{D}, \mathcal{L}\}\).
    • Objective: \(\color{blue}{\text{A learnable }\omega}\) is optimized over \(p(\mathcal{T})\), i.e. \(\displaystyle \color{blue}{\omega^*} = \min _{\color{blue}{\omega}} \underset{\tau \sim p(\mathcal{T})}{\mathbb{E}} \mathcal{L}(\mathcal{D} ; \color{blue}{\omega})\).
    • Meta-knowledge \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) specifies “how to learn” \(\theta\).
    • E.g. Shared meta-knowledge \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) can encode the family of sine functions (everything but phase and amplitude) while \(\theta\) encodes the phase and amplitude.

Two phases of meta-learning methods

  • Generally split into two phases hospedales20_meta_learn_neural_networ:
    • Meta-training on \(\mathscr{D}_{\text {source}}=\left\{\left(\mathcal{D}_{\text {source}}^{\text {train}}, \mathcal{D}_{\text {source}}^{\text {val}}\right)^{(i)}\right\}_{i=1}^{M}\) entails \(\omega^{*}=\arg \max _{\omega} \log p\left(\omega | \mathscr{D}_{\text {source }}\right)\)
    • Meta-testing (online adaptation) on \(\mathscr{D}_{\text {target}}=\left\{\left(\mathcal{D}_{\text {target}}^{\text {train}}, \mathcal{D}_{\text {target}}^{\text {test}}\right)^{(i)}\right\}_{i=1}^{Q}\) entails \(\theta^{*(i)}=\arg \max _{\theta} \log p\left(\theta | \omega^{*}, \mathcal{D}_{\text {target}}^{\text {train}}(i)\right)\). Evaluation done on \(\mathcal{D}_{\text {target}}^{\text {test}}\).


Figure 4: “3-way-2-shot” (few-shot) classification. Each source task’s train set contains 3 classes of 2 examples each (Vinyals et al., 2016). Image modified from Borealis AI blogpost.

MAML: Model-agnostic meta-learning

  • MAML finn17_maml is a simple and popular approach of two phases:
    1. During meta-training (bold line), learn a good weight initialization \(\color{blue}{\omega^*}\) for fine-tuning on target tasks.
    2. During meta-testing (dashed lines), find the optimal \(\theta^*_i\) for each new task \(i\).
  • Good performance
    • MAML substantially outperformed other approaches on few-shot image classification (Omniglot, MiniImageNet2), and improved adaptability of RL agent.


Figure 5: Visualized MAML (image modified from BAIR blogpost).

A little side-note


  • Feature reuse, not rapid learning, is the dominant component in MAML.

A little side-note: “Rapid Learning or Feature Reuse? Towards Understanding the Effectiveness of MAML”


Figure 7: Rapid learning entails efficient but significant change from \(\color{blue}{\omega^*}\) to \(\theta^*\); feature reuse is where \(\color{blue}{\omega^*}\) already provides high quality representations. Figure 1 from the paper.

  • Feature reuse, not rapid learning, is the dominant component in MAML.
    • Used CCA and CKA to study the learnt representations.
    • Led to a simplified algorithm, ANIL, which almost completely removes the inner optimization loop with no reduction in performance.
    • Benchmark datasets (e.g. Omniglot, MiniImageNet2) are artifically segmented from the same dataset, hence it might be very easy to reuse features. Interesting to consider less similar tasks (e.g. Meta-dataset, Triantafillou et al. 2019).

Conventional ML: fixed/pre-specified \(\color{blue}{\omega}\)

  Shared meta-knowledge \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) Task-specific \(\theta\)
NN Hyperparameters (e.g. learning rate, weight initialization scheme, optimizer, architecture design) Network weights

Meta-learning: learnt \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) from \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{source}}\)

  Shared meta-knowledge \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) Task-specific \(\theta\)
Hyperopt Hyperparameters (e.g. learning rate) Network weights
MAML Network weights (initialization learnt from \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{source}}\)) Network weights (tuned on \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{target}}\))
NP Network weights Aggregated target context [latent] representation
Meta-GP Deep mean/kernel function parameters None (a GP is fit on \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{target}}^{\mathrm{train}}\))

A \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) by any other name

  • \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) is shared/task-general parameters that work well across different tasks.
  • Again, meta-knowledge \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) specifies “how to learn” \(\theta\).
  • \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) is a starting inductive bias for new tasks from old tasks; equivalent to ‘learning a prior’.
    • \(\implies\) There is a loose analogy between any meta-learning approach and hierarchical Bayesian inference griffiths19_doing_more_with_less.
    • Bayesian inference generically indicates how a learner should combine data with a prior distribution over hypotheses
    • Hierarchical Bayesian inference for meta-learning learns that prior through experience (data from related tasks).

Bayesian meta-learning

  • Opens opportunities to griffiths19_doing_more_with_less:
    • Translate cognitive science insights, which has focused on hierarchical Bayesian models (HBMs), to ML.
    • Use probabilistic generative models from Bayesian deep learning toolbox for meta-learning.
  • Useful for safety-critical few-shot learning (e.g. medical imaging), active learning, and exploration in RL (à la Marc Deisenroth’s talk on probabilistic RL).



Figure 8: MAML and its corresponding probabilistic graphical model. Figure 2 from Griffiths et al. (2019).

  • Grant et al. (2018) grant18_recast_gradient_based_meta_learn show that:
    • The few steps of gradient descent by the task-specific learners result in \(\theta^*\), which is an approximation to the Bayesian estimate of \(\theta\) for that task, with a prior that depends on the initial parameterization \(\color{blue}{\omega^*}\) .
    • \(\implies\) Learning \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) is equivalent to learning a prior.

LVM + amortized VI for meta-learning


Figure 9: Same at meta-train \(\left(\mathcal{D}_{\text {source}}^{\text {train}}, \mathcal{D}_{\text {source}}^{\text {val}}\right)\) and meta-test \(\left(\mathcal{D}_{\text {target}}^{\text {train}}, \mathcal{D}_{\text {target}}^{\text {test}}\right)\) time.

  • Standard VAE optimizes ELBO \(p(\mathbf{x}) \geq \text{ELBO} = \mathbb{E}_{\mathbf{z}\sim q_\phi(\mathbf{z}\vert\mathbf{x})} \left[ \log p_\theta(\mathbf{x}\vert\mathbf{z}) \right] - D_\text{KL}(q_\phi(\mathbf{z}\vert\mathbf{x}) \| p_\theta(\mathbf{z}))\)
  • Neural Processes garnelo18_neural_proces, Versa gordon18_meta_learn_probab_infer_predic etc. take inspiration from VAE for meta-learning by treating \(\theta\) as \(\mathbf{z}\).
    • \(\log p\left(\mathbf{Y}_{T} \mid \mathbf{X}_{T}, \mathbf{X}_{C}, \mathbf{Y}_{C}\right) \geq \mathbb{E}_{q\left(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{s}_{T}\right)}\left[\log p\left(\mathbf{Y}_{T} \mid \mathbf{X}_{T}, \mathbf{r}_{C}, \mathbf{z}\right)\right] - D_{\mathrm{KL}}\left(q\left(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{s}_{C}, \mathbf{s}_{T}\right) \| q\left(\mathbf{z} \mid \mathbf{s}_{C}\right)\right)\)


Figure 10: In an NP, meta-parameters \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) are the weights of the encoder and decoder NNs.

GPs for meta-learning


Figure 11: Figure 1 from Fortuin et al. (2019). Corresponding GPFlow code in purple.

What else can it be used for?


Many methods and applications


Figure 13: Modified from Figure 1 in Hospedales et al. (2020).


  • The core idea of meta-learning is to optimize a model over a distribution of learning tasks \(p(\mathcal{T})\), rather than just a single task, with the goal of generalizing to other tasks from \(p(\mathcal{T})\).

To recap, conventional ML: fixed/pre-specified \(\color{blue}{\omega}\)

  Shared meta-knowledge \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) Task-specific \(\theta\)
NN Hyperparameters (e.g. learning rate, weight initialization scheme, optimizer, architecture design) Network weights

Meta-learning: learnt \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) from \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{source}}\)

  Shared meta-knowledge \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) Task-specific \(\theta\)
Hyperopt Hyperparameters (e.g. learning rate) Network weights
MAML Network weights (initialization learnt from \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{source}}\)) Network weights (tuned on \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{target}}\))
NP Network weights Aggregated target context [latent] representation
Meta-GP Deep mean/kernel function parameters None (a GP is fit on \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{target}}^{\mathrm{train}}\))


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