“I can’t believe it’s not Bayesian” - Chelsea Finn, ICML 2019 meta-learning workshop

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Agenda 🔗

Why meta-learning? 🔗

What is meta-learning? 🔗

Figure 1: Hyperparameter searches (image source)

Figure 1: Hyperparameter searches (image source)

But really, what is it? 🔗

The salient characteristic of contemporary neural-network meta-learning is an explicitly defined meta-level objective, and end-to-end optimization of the inner algorithm with respect to this objective (Hospedales et al., 2020)

Conventional vs meta-learning 🔗

Figure 2: Conventional vs meta-learning for 1D function regression (image source)

Figure 2: Conventional vs meta-learning for 1D function regression (image source)

Two phases of meta-learning methods 🔗

Figure 3: “3-way-2-shot” (few-shot) classification. Each source task’s train set contains 3 classes of 2 examples each (Vinyals et al., 2016). Image modified from Borealis AI blogpost.

Figure 3: “3-way-2-shot” (few-shot) classification. Each source task’s train set contains 3 classes of 2 examples each (Vinyals et al., 2016). Image modified from Borealis AI blogpost.

MAML: Model-agnostic meta-learning 🔗

Figure 4: Visualized MAML (image modified from BAIR blogpost).

Figure 4: Visualized MAML (image modified from BAIR blogpost).

A little side-note 🔗

A little side-note: “Rapid Learning or Feature Reuse? Towards Understanding the Effectiveness of MAML” 🔗

Figure 5: Rapid learning entails efficient but significant change from \(\color{blue}{\omega^*}\) to \(\theta^*\); feature reuse is where \(\color{blue}{\omega^*}\) already provides high quality representations. Figure 1 from the paper.

Figure 5: Rapid learning entails efficient but significant change from \(\color{blue}{\omega^*}\) to \(\theta^*\); feature reuse is where \(\color{blue}{\omega^*}\) already provides high quality representations. Figure 1 from the paper.

Concrete examples of \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) and \(\theta\) 🔗

Conventional ML: \(\color{blue}{\text{fixed }\omega}\).

Shared meta-knowledge \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) Task-specific \(\theta\)
NN Hyperparameters (e.g. learning rate, weight initialization scheme, optimizer, architecture design) Network weights

Meta-learning: \(\color{blue}{\text{learnt }\omega}\) from \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{source}}\).

Shared meta-knowledge \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) Task-specific \(\theta\)
Hyperopt Hyperparameters (e.g. learning rate) Network weights
MAML Network weights (initialization learnt from \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{source}}\)) Network weights (tuned on \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{target}}\))
NP Network weights Aggregated target context [latent] representation
Meta-GP Deep mean/kernel function parameters None (a GP is fit on \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{target}}^{\mathrm{train}}\))

A \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) by any other name… 🌹 🔗

Bayesian meta-learning 🔗

MAML as a HBM 🔗

Figure 6: MAML and its corresponding probabilistic graphical model. Figure 2 from Griffiths et al. (2019).

Figure 6: MAML and its corresponding probabilistic graphical model. Figure 2 from Griffiths et al. (2019).

LVM + amortized VI for meta-learning 🔗

Figure 7: Same at meta-train \(\left(\mathcal{D}_{\text {source}}^{\text {train}}, \mathcal{D}_{\text {source}}^{\text {val}}\right)\) and meta-test \(\left(\mathcal{D}_{\text {target}}^{\text {train}}, \mathcal{D}_{\text {target}}^{\text {test}}\right)\) time.

Figure 7: Same at meta-train \(\left(\mathcal{D}_{\text {source}}^{\text {train}}, \mathcal{D}_{\text {source}}^{\text {val}}\right)\) and meta-test \(\left(\mathcal{D}_{\text {target}}^{\text {train}}, \mathcal{D}_{\text {target}}^{\text {test}}\right)\) time.

Figure 8: In an NP, meta-parameters \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) are the weights of the encoder and decoder NNs.

Figure 8: In an NP, meta-parameters \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) are the weights of the encoder and decoder NNs.

GPs for meta-learning 🔗

Figure 9: Figure 1 from Fortuin et al. (2019). Corresponding GPFlow code in purple.

Figure 9: Figure 1 from Fortuin et al. (2019). Corresponding GPFlow code in purple.

What else can it be used for? 🔗

Many methods and applications 🔗

We can situate NP, MAML, and meta-learning deep mean/kernel GP within the meta-learning taxonomy across 3 independent axes (Hospedales et al., 2020).

Figure 10: Taxonomy modified from Figure 1 in Hospedales et al. (2020).

Figure 10: Taxonomy modified from Figure 1 in Hospedales et al. (2020).

Conclusion 🔗

Recap of \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) and \(\theta\) 🔗

Conventional ML has fixed/pre-specified meta-knowledge \(\color{blue}{\omega}\).

Shared meta-knowledge \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) Task-specific \(\theta\)
NN Hyperparameters (e.g. learning rate, weight initialization scheme, optimizer, architecture design) Network weights

Meta-learning challenges this assumption by learning a prior on \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) from \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{source}}\)

Shared meta-knowledge \(\color{blue}{\omega}\) Task-specific \(\theta\)
Hyperopt Hyperparameters (e.g. learning rate) Network weights
MAML Network weights (initialization learnt from \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{source}}\)) Network weights (tuned on \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{target}}\))
NP Network weights Aggregated target context [latent] representation
Meta-GP Deep mean/kernel function parameters None (a GP is fit on \(\mathcal{D}_{\mathrm{target}}^{\mathrm{train}}\)) \(\bigstar\)

\(\bigstar\) In GPs, while the data is used at test time, no optimization is really done since GPs are nonparametric, i.e. there’s no (or infinite) parameters to explicitly learn for meta-test time.


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